Monday, February 13, 2012

Double Entry Journal #4

"Making a ball roll. To demonstrate their understanding of the geometry of circles, students at Molalla Elementary School in Oregon created an animated story showing how to make a ball roll on the beach." (Ohler, 2006)
The quote surprised me because I didnt really think that you could use digital storytelling in the math field, and it is a really great idea to use. I love this idea and I think we need to use more activities like this one to teach the children of the future. This is just one way that teachers could use technology to teach children and teachers need to use more technics like this to mix-up the way we teach the students. If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

The video below is the one of the videos that was made at Molalla Elementary School in Oregon. This video help understand what the students did and how math was used in making the video.

Ohler, J. (2006, January). The world of digital storytelling. Retrieved from

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