Thursday, February 23, 2012

Double Entry Journal #6

Quote: "Researchers who directed several hundred college students to three bogus Web sites about fictitious nutritional supplements found that half of the students lacked the skills to identify the trustworthiness of the information, yet most thought they had strong research skills (Ivanitskaya, O'Boyle, & Casey, 2006)."

Response: I completely agree with this quote that not all students have the knowledge to identify the trustworthliness of information from the internet. Students need to be taught how to tell if a website is trustworthy or if it is a fraud. I admit I am one of those students, yet we are expected to do research on the internet for papers. We need classes atleast at a high school level to teach students aboout the internet and what is fraud on the internet, along with other useful skills.

I found this article about "How to Properly Research Online". The article is related to the quote because it is one step to teaching students how to research information on the internet.

David, J. (2009, March). Teaching media literacy. Educational Leadership, 66(6), 84-86. Retrieved from

Gil, P. (2012, Febuary). How to properly research on the internet. Retrieved from

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