Sunday, April 29, 2012


1. What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon?
          Classrooms are not as high tech as the children in them.

2. Are there any real people or places in the cartoon? If not, what images are portrayed in the cartoon?
          no, a classroom with children.

3. Identify the specific artistic techniques used in the cartoon (i.e., symbolism, analogy, exaggeration, labeling, and irony). What is the artist trying to show the reader by using these techniques?
          exaggeration- to show the reader how little technology is in the classroom.

4. What is the cartoonist's point of view about the topic portrayed in the cartoon? Give examples to support your interpretation.
          The cartoonist's point of view is that the students are high tech, so the classroom should have more technology in them. Ex- a student is holding a book and acting like he doesn't know how to turn it on like a computer.

5. Is this cartoon persuasive? Explain why or why not.
          The cartoon is more persuasive than aggressive, so I would have to say yes because its not saying that we have to have technology in the classroom. It is showing that technology would be helpful.

6. What other techniques could the artist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?
          Have a teacher suggest that technology is needed, because to many people think that children now days use technology way to much.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Your Role- Efficiency Expert

Your Role
_X_Efficiency Expert
Your Impressions
John Wikes Booth

 Overall it teaches a lot about John Booth and his escape route.

It takes up a lot of time and is a long process; you might loss a few students because of the length.


This project has a steady pace that will keep a student’s attention.

This project would be faster if there was a map of the site appraisals and then a description.

Ancient Egypt

 The timing of this project is a good pace and will keep students moving forward. Having a rubric was a plus because they will know what to do in a set time.

The process might go faster if the teacher assigned the “expert topics” to each student, if they can’t decide.
Creative Encounters

 Overall for each step, this webqeust is a good pace.

 This webquest is overall time consuming.

Poetry of War

 With this webquest, having it over a weeklong task the  efficiency is good

 This webquest might be more time consuming for students that don’t have computers.

Double Entry Journal #11

Three things that I learned from the video "Thinking Creatively: Teachers as designers of Content, Technology and Pedagogy Part 1"

1.Teaching with technology is a wicked problem.
2.Pedagogy means teaching.
3.wicked problems require creative thinking

Double Entry Journal #10

"new technologies have the potential, if properly designed and used, to help people develop as creative thinkers, so that they are better prepared for life in the Creative Society."

I was surprised to find out that there are many ways for children of today to learn and use technology to be creative and to create their own projects. I am amazed about how the world is changing to how children are advancing in the use of technology and how an 8yr old could out type or even out smart me with technology.
In this video Tom Peters explains how the education system is cutting creativity. (Peters, 2007)

Peters, T. (2007, March 08). Educate for a creative society. Retrieved from

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Double Entry Journal # 8

a. What is Wikipedia? a multilingual, Web-based encyclopedia project, operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, a nonprofit organization

b. How would you answer the question posed in this piece “How reliable can a source be when anyone can edit it?”? Not very reliable because people can put anything, its more of a base for research

c. Who do the creators of Wikipedia place their trust in when it comes to weeding out misinformation? 


d. Why did founder Larry Sanger leave Wikipedia? He left because he believed that it should give more authority to experts; he has since created another site, Citizendium that does just that.

e. What would abuse or vandalism look like on a Wikipedia page? 
people putting up anything not just facts

f. What do the statistics quoted in the third paragraph of this piece reveal?
That Wikipedia is growing and expanding worldwide.

g. Why do you think Wikipedia is so successful? 
I honestly have no clue...

h. Why might Wikipedia’s creators not want to accept advertising? 
so the creators can keep any donations

i. How does Wikiscanner help increase the reliability of Wikipedia entries?
it weeds out mistakes and abuse

Double Entry Journal #9

"Textbooks often contain “walls of text” that can be difficult for some to follow, especially as time progresses. It can also be difficult to find the important part of the text and place it into context. Video games have found a solution to this problem"

I agree with this because sometimes it is hard to remember the context when it is needed and every time it is needed. Text books give you information when it is needed but more of when it is good for the author to put it in the text. When authors do this it makes it difficult for some students to follow along with the text.

The link below is a video about how students are using games in school to help with learning, and skills that are great in the school and real life. The video One teacher ditches books for video games explains just that.

Admin. (2012, January 20). 10 things schools can learn from video games. Retrieved from 

Unknown. (2012, Febuary 22). One teacher ditches books for viedo games. Retrieved from 

Scratch Game

Scratch Project

Gardens of Time

The game Gardens of Time reflects the following five of the ten things schools could learn from video games:
1. Risk Taking
2. Customization
3. Ordered Problems
4. Context
5. Within the Regime of Competence

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wikipedia Article

  1. Start with the main page. Does it have any cleanup banners that have been placed there to indicate problems with the article? No

  1. Any one of the following cleanup banners means the article is an unreliable source: No
Read through the article and see if it meets the following requirements: Yes and was complete

  1. Scroll down to the article's References and open them in new windows or tabs. Do they seem like reliable sources? Yes

  2. How is the article rated on the Rating Scale (Stub, Start, C, B, GA, A, FA)?
What issues around the article are being discussed?

Do any of them make you doubt the article's reliability?

Rating was a “B”.
Issues - Discrepancy between historical summation of St. Patrick's death and the entry in the context of the festival.
No, they should just take the info down until proven or explain that it has not been confirmed.

5.      How did you rank this article (Reliable, Partially Reliable or Unreliable)? Give at least three reasons to support your answer.

I rank this article as Partially Reliable. The reasons I ranked the article this way is
1-      Because the article could explain that some information has not been confirmed, but it is a great starting point for information.

2-      Because the article has some good sources that you could check out.

3-      Because you should use a site that is not edited by the world.


In a blog posting tell me: Things I learned 1. They are funded by donatation from the public. 2. Only 1/3 of the articles on Wikipedia are in english. 3. They are more popular than the New York Times Things I agreed with 1. A free source of information for people. 2. That there needs to be more quality checks for the site. Thing I disagreed with 1. The information should not be edited by everyone, because their are stupid people out their that does stupid stuff for their own amusement. Were you surprised? Why? What surprised me was that there is only one employee at the company for the website. I thought that there would be more people working for a company that is this big. How often I use Wikipedia to write papers in the ways described above: NEVER I was always told not to use it!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Website Evaluation

•Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this Web site?
Yes, The NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress

•Is information about the author or organization clearly stated?
Yes, has special page for all of their information

•Can you contact the company or author through a real world postal address or phone number?
Phone: (877) 4-ED-PUBS (433-7827)
Mail: Ed Pubs, U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 22207,
Alexandria, VA 22304

•Is the information biased in any way?
I don't think so because they are just posting data from tests.

•Does the site's information seem thorough and well organized?     Yes

•Does the site clearly state the topics that it intends to address?     Yes

•Is it important that the information you're looking for be absolutely current?     Yes

•Is a reference date provided to show when the material was put online, or when it was last updated?     Yes

•Do the links work?     Yes

•Can I get the information faster offline?     No

•Does the online material I'm finding suit my needs?     Yes

•Am I able to verify this information?     I dont know how I would.

Double Entry Journal #7

How might technology be used to support students in your future classroom who have learning differences like Dyslexia?
   We can use technology to help show a child what sound a letter makes and have programs to help practice the skills, like learning a new langauge, because that is what it is like for the children. Or we can use video cameras in the classroom to record the lesson that way the student can take the lesson home and work at their own pace.
The link I found is a website that is a guild for parents and teacher to help children with dyslexia. The site lists ways to help a child, in and outside the classroom, and ways to help the child in all different subjects. I love the ideas and will use them for students in my future classroom.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Education Magazine Cover

Double Entry Journal #6

Quote: "Researchers who directed several hundred college students to three bogus Web sites about fictitious nutritional supplements found that half of the students lacked the skills to identify the trustworthiness of the information, yet most thought they had strong research skills (Ivanitskaya, O'Boyle, & Casey, 2006)."

Response: I completely agree with this quote that not all students have the knowledge to identify the trustworthliness of information from the internet. Students need to be taught how to tell if a website is trustworthy or if it is a fraud. I admit I am one of those students, yet we are expected to do research on the internet for papers. We need classes atleast at a high school level to teach students aboout the internet and what is fraud on the internet, along with other useful skills.

I found this article about "How to Properly Research Online". The article is related to the quote because it is one step to teaching students how to research information on the internet.

David, J. (2009, March). Teaching media literacy. Educational Leadership, 66(6), 84-86. Retrieved from

Gil, P. (2012, Febuary). How to properly research on the internet. Retrieved from

Monday, February 20, 2012


Thats-3- removed 2
Was - 1- removed 1

The digital story that I made was  about...

I made a digital story that is about...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Double Entry Journal #5

Does the digital story you created and uploaded to YouTube fall under Fair Use Guidelines? Explain.
Yes, because it falls under principle four stating "students' use of copyrighted materials in their own academic and creative work". Which means that it is Fair Use because I only used the materials to create my digital story for a grade. Since I only use the materials for creating a creative work for a grade, I could use what I needed to express myself.

Fair Use

1.What is the difference between Media in Education vs Media Literacy Education
Media literacy is the capacity to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate messages
in a wide variety of forms and media in education is teachers using text, audiovisual and digital material to convey facts and information to teach a class.
2.What social bargain is at the heart of Fair use?
The social bargain that is at the heart of Fair Use is the cultural value of copying.
3.Why is Fair Use more important today?
            Fair use is more important today because copyright protects more works for longer periods than ever before, and creators face new challenges, and are sometimes simply unavailable.
4.What are the two key questions judges use to determine Fair Use?
• Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?
• Was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?
5.A teacher shows a movie of The Lion King and asks student to notice how the animals in the movie reflect racial stereotypes. Is this Fair Use? Why?
            Yes because the teacher used the movie in the classroom to teach the students
6.Which principle relates most strongly to the digital story you created in class? Explain.
Principle four: students’ use of copyrighted materials in their own academic and creative work.
7.Are there limitations to the amount of pictures, length of music, or video that can be used in a multimedia project?
8.Do you need to request permission from the original creator in order to use copyrighted material in multimedia project for school related assignment?
9.Should educators try to change the policies in their school in they are not in line with Fair Use doctrine?
            Yes, because students need to understand what is acceptable with in the Fair Use policies.
10.What common myth about Fair Use surprised you the most?
            School system rules are the last word of fair use by educators.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Double Entry Journal #4

"Making a ball roll. To demonstrate their understanding of the geometry of circles, students at Molalla Elementary School in Oregon created an animated story showing how to make a ball roll on the beach." (Ohler, 2006)
The quote surprised me because I didnt really think that you could use digital storytelling in the math field, and it is a really great idea to use. I love this idea and I think we need to use more activities like this one to teach the children of the future. This is just one way that teachers could use technology to teach children and teachers need to use more technics like this to mix-up the way we teach the students. If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

The video below is the one of the videos that was made at Molalla Elementary School in Oregon. This video help understand what the students did and how math was used in making the video.

Ohler, J. (2006, January). The world of digital storytelling. Retrieved from

Digital Short Story

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Double Entry Journal #3

"It is rather bizarre that the first widespread change in how people spell English words appears to have come from a group of (largely) young people sending text messages to one another with cellular phones and other electronic devices." (Shea, Ammon, 2010)

The quote that I picked surprised me. because I could not believe that people actually think that young people today are the first widespread change of the spelling of English words. People back in the 1700s were spelling words how they wanted or how thye thought words were spelled. Also, as stated in the article, Benjamin Franklin suggested changing the alphabet is just one example of how it is normal for people to make changes to the english language. Through out history people have been trying to change how people spell words in the english language. It's just funny that people now days think it just because the texting and internet, yet if that was the case then why did Benjamin Franklin try to change the alphabet. Did Benjamin Franklin have a cell phone?

This is one example of  how radom the English Language is.

Shea, Ammon, A. S. (2010, January 24). The keypad solution. New York Times, p. MM22.
Unknown. (2011, January 31). Enuf or enough? why is english spelling so random?. Retrieved from

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learning Styles and Prefrences

1) Do learning styles exist?
Learning styles don't exist, we just have our own prefernce to learning and studying.
2) Are they useful for classroom instruction?
We need to use all three peices in a classroom, giving a visual, aditory, and hands on parts in the learning proccess.
3) What is the best philosophy for using learning styles?
The best philosophy for using learning styles is to use all three and not just one. If you use just one type you will bore the children and they won,t learn. If you use visual, aditory, and hand-ons activites you will better educate your students.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Picasso Head

A way that technology can be used to support my learning style is by using computers because computers are hands on and put something in front of me that I can touch. Also, a pointpoint of sounds would help so that I will have a sound to relate to what I am told. I am a combo of Auditory and Kinesthetic. So anything hands on or giving me something to hear.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Double Entry #2

"A student can circle a concept or an idea on the board and another one can highlight another at the same time while they are all sitting in their place."

I picked this quote because I agree that technology in the classroom can be very helpful to get all of the students’ attention and to better teach the students with their ways of learning. If each student has their own board they can work together to see what is important and what needs to be remembered. Also this way of teaching with technology will help teach each student using their own learning style, because it uses all the senses to teach the children. When technology is used in the classroom, properly, they can enhance the learning experience so that they can absorb the material better. If we can teach the children of the future better then there is nothing greater than that.

I chose this video because it helps show how technology because it help explain how people learn with their different learning styles and how technology is useful in helping students learn.

Unknown. (n.d.). Web 2.0 and emerging learning technologies/learning styles. Retrieved from

Heritage College. (2009). Teaching strategies - learning styles [Web].

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Poll Everywhere Wordle

I think if students had one day to live, many of them would spend time with family. Also, I learned that they would live life to the fullest.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Double Journal Entry #1

     “What if bad writing is a product of the form of writing required in school — the term paper — and not necessarily intrinsic to a student’s natural writing style or thought process?”

     I chose that quote because I strongly agree that teachers need to accept that the world is starting a "digital- age". Students and children now days know more about the internet, blogging, etc. then what they are taught in schools. We need to bring the two together and understand that change is good. People don't naturally write in "term paper" style and Ms. Davidson explains that. The gap between "natural" writing style and "term paper" style, if we can use more "natural" writing styles in schools teachers will see how great their students are. I can understand this because I am bad at writing term papers but I can write, sometimes really well. Students better express themselves on the internet and blogs than in a term paper, we need to bring the two together so that we get a paper that has good information but a “normal” person would find enjoyable and not dreadful to read.
     In the article "Seven Bad Writing Habits You Learn In School", is shows just how unnatural "term paper" writing styles are. The article helps explain why we should encourage students to write more naturally because it relates to people better in the real world.

Heffernan, Virginia, V. H. (2011, August 07). Education needs a digital-age upgrade. Retrieved from

Morrow, Jonathan. (n.d.). Seven bad writing habits you learn in school. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am from Metz, WV but now live in Rivesville, WV. When I become a teacher I plan on teaching fifth or sixth grade math. I believe children learn through explanation, examples, doing, and re-doing. The main thing is experience. An example of the kind of activities children in my classroom might be engaged in would be to have a pizza day. We can use the pizza to learn fractions. Or we would be cutting paper to teach the children fraction.