Friday, January 27, 2012

Picasso Head

A way that technology can be used to support my learning style is by using computers because computers are hands on and put something in front of me that I can touch. Also, a pointpoint of sounds would help so that I will have a sound to relate to what I am told. I am a combo of Auditory and Kinesthetic. So anything hands on or giving me something to hear.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Double Entry #2

"A student can circle a concept or an idea on the board and another one can highlight another at the same time while they are all sitting in their place."

I picked this quote because I agree that technology in the classroom can be very helpful to get all of the students’ attention and to better teach the students with their ways of learning. If each student has their own board they can work together to see what is important and what needs to be remembered. Also this way of teaching with technology will help teach each student using their own learning style, because it uses all the senses to teach the children. When technology is used in the classroom, properly, they can enhance the learning experience so that they can absorb the material better. If we can teach the children of the future better then there is nothing greater than that.

I chose this video because it helps show how technology because it help explain how people learn with their different learning styles and how technology is useful in helping students learn.

Unknown. (n.d.). Web 2.0 and emerging learning technologies/learning styles. Retrieved from

Heritage College. (2009). Teaching strategies - learning styles [Web].

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Poll Everywhere Wordle

I think if students had one day to live, many of them would spend time with family. Also, I learned that they would live life to the fullest.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Double Journal Entry #1

     “What if bad writing is a product of the form of writing required in school — the term paper — and not necessarily intrinsic to a student’s natural writing style or thought process?”

     I chose that quote because I strongly agree that teachers need to accept that the world is starting a "digital- age". Students and children now days know more about the internet, blogging, etc. then what they are taught in schools. We need to bring the two together and understand that change is good. People don't naturally write in "term paper" style and Ms. Davidson explains that. The gap between "natural" writing style and "term paper" style, if we can use more "natural" writing styles in schools teachers will see how great their students are. I can understand this because I am bad at writing term papers but I can write, sometimes really well. Students better express themselves on the internet and blogs than in a term paper, we need to bring the two together so that we get a paper that has good information but a “normal” person would find enjoyable and not dreadful to read.
     In the article "Seven Bad Writing Habits You Learn In School", is shows just how unnatural "term paper" writing styles are. The article helps explain why we should encourage students to write more naturally because it relates to people better in the real world.

Heffernan, Virginia, V. H. (2011, August 07). Education needs a digital-age upgrade. Retrieved from

Morrow, Jonathan. (n.d.). Seven bad writing habits you learn in school. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am from Metz, WV but now live in Rivesville, WV. When I become a teacher I plan on teaching fifth or sixth grade math. I believe children learn through explanation, examples, doing, and re-doing. The main thing is experience. An example of the kind of activities children in my classroom might be engaged in would be to have a pizza day. We can use the pizza to learn fractions. Or we would be cutting paper to teach the children fraction.